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Nice use of outsourced assets for the environment, characters and fire fx. Music was good and I appreciated that the tracks changed. The art style was really fun to have chosen. 

Precise movement was difficult at times such as if you did not reach one of the switches in the exact position needed, however overall it was fun and engaging, especially for a team of two programming.

The game has an interesting concept with ghosts and controlling multiple characters in a puzzle game. I really enjoyed the ability to pass through walls. I wouldn't change that aspect or limit the ghost's capabilities later on. The game reminds me of my favorite game - Lost Vikings. Shifting between characters is smoother there compared to ghost travel, but it’s different, and I see the potential in the ghost mechanics too.

However, the implementation of the controls, specifically the fixed length of steps, detracted a bit from the gameplay. It was sometimes hard to be precise in movement, especially when two characters needed to change their positions. I really appreciate the UI and UX, including the sound setup, level selection, and the brief player onboarding.

Great job! Thank you for the game.

(1 edit)

A very pleasant experience! The sound FX were fantastic. The aesthetics were fitting for the music. The puzzles were very appropriately difficult for the starting 6 stages! Very well done in just a few days time. Keep up the great work :)

(You can sprint and Jump with LShift and Space)

Cool innit